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ECOVADIS 2025 results

In 2020, we began working with ECOVADIS to assess our CSR practices.

SELI continues to be committed to this process, and we would like to congratulate the entire team on their progress, recognised by the silver medal awarded to them in 2024 for being in the top 15% of all companies assessed by EcoVadis. With an overall score of 70/100, SELI is actually among the top 8%: Labour & Human Rights (70/100) – Environment (70/100) – Ethics (70/100) – Sustainable Procurement (70/100).

Our aim to improve our score, particularly in Sustainable Procurement and Environment, has paid dividends since we started working with EcoVadis, with a steady rise of 40 points in Sustainable Procurement, 20 points in Environment and 10 points in both Ethics and Labour & Human Rights. Our score has remained stable over the past year.

This is the result of the deployment of sound policies with targets underpinned by various initiatives including waste management at all sites, with internal sorting and removal by type, raising employees awareness of environmental issues by producing a Green Practices Guide, training courses, an energy audit, the introduction of beehives at head office, the creation of an ethical mailbox, skills development through a training programme, flexible working arrangements, renewed three-year membership of ADEME’s EVcom programme, the development of a Supplier Charter, and raising awareness among our transport partners.

All the Group’s subsidiaries are successfully following this approach!


We are proud of SELI OVERSEAS, which was awarded the platinum medal reaching an overall score of 84/100 in 2025.

After the gold medal with a general score of 78/100 in 2024. In 2025, these additional 6 points  (Labour & Human Rights 78/100 –Environment 91/100 – Ethics 94/100) take the company to the highest level : it now ranks in the top 1%!



LOTRAFF France retained the platinum medal it was awarded in April 2023, achieving an overall score of 84/100 (Labour & Human Rights 80/100 – Environment 90/100 – Ethics 90/100). It therefore remains in the top 1% of companies! This is impressive progress, from a silver medal in 2021, a gold medal in 2022 and a platinum medal in 2023! Congratulations!




We are also proud of SELIWOOD which retains its platinum medal with the same overall score as LOTRAFF’s and remains on the top step of the podium. Congratulations to the team!



In December 2020, SELI kicked off the Group’s CSR approach with the EcoVadis silver medal and an overall score of 54/100. These initial results reflected the impact of our long-standing commitments, which were deeply rooted in our DNA.

Our 2020 results for the Labour & Human Rights (60/100), Environment (50/100) and Ethics (60/100) criteria spurred us to be more ambitious in our commitments. We needed to make progress on the Sustainable Procurement criterion (30/100). We know that our core business, transport, inevitably motivates us to seek out innovations and, as a freight forwarder, to be the driving force behind positive initiatives. We are making progress in this area, for example with SG Energies.

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